Kybella involves a series of small injections used to sculpt areas where stubborn fat does not easily respond to diet and exercise alone. This treatment is effective in removing small localized areas of fat. When injected there is an increase in the rate of cellular fat breakdown and the fat is released from the tissue and later excreted from the body. Some of the more popular areas of treatment include, chin, saddlebags, cheeks & under eyes.
Weight Loss
This program includes monthly visits with the doctor where you will be evaluated medically and assisted with lowering your overall body weight through the use of medication. This program is great for people who are just starting their weight loss journey & can benefit from the assistance of a professional.
GLP-1 is a weekly injection designed for weight management in overweight adults. Injection should be combined with a healthy diet and exercise regimen.
GLP-1 works by mimicking a protein naturally found in the body, which signals the brain to curb food intake, promoting a sense of satiety. Its mechanism for aiding weight loss includes slowing digestion, curbing food cravings and enhancing metabolic health.